Other gear, cooking sleeping odds and sods.
We have a lot more gear than mentioned in the above page. Since we started with cycle touring we've collected Trangia cookers, good sleeping bags and some excellent mats from Exped. Watch this space for updates.
We had to pretty much start from scratch when we started planning the NSCR Norway trip. Here is some information on the choices we made at the time for other gear.
We went for comfort this year see here for the changes. A new sleeping bag and mat for Damae to keep her warm and a nice Trangia 25 to make cooking easier and safer. Plus some other sundry changes. Yes they all made a considerable difference.
Coming soon. Very little change in our gear besides a new sleeping bag for Stan for winter touring.
Coming soon. Oooo so comfy Exped down filled mats. Fantastically warm and just what you need after a long days cycle over Norwegian passes.