Information about how these pages are created
Software used:
Editors/Macro programs:
Damae liked HTML3 a macro inserter and more, for creating pages. I've started using it every now and again particularly for placing images in webpages.
We use StrongEd as an editor in general and for editing HTML and I use Smultron on the Apples for hacking around in HTML files. It reminds me of StrongED a little and works quite nicely.
I now have a set of template files for creating cycle touring travelogues which reduces the amount of work involved in writing a new one. I have some simple CSS files for each travelogue and had deliberately kept the site as usable without Javascript as possible.
I used to use Word or Editor on the Psion to write the travelogues and Web 2.0 to view galleries. Now I use Gedit and OpenOffice on the EeePC 701 for creating content.
I use Opera on the EeePC for viewing galleries when writing travelogues
Renaming utilities
For the renaming of template HTML files I use,!Rename, for batch renaming of the contents of such files I use Convtext . Convtext has also been invaluable for all sorts of little tweaks on groups of pages when creating the cycle touring travelogues.
For the renaming of image files I use a
Lua based application created by
Gavin Wraith called !Stan (article in a recent Archive magazine). I have since hacked around in the Lua code of !Stan to produce !Stan104 which can now rename 104 images with names from day01aa.jpeg to day01dz.jpeg.
I recently discovered that EXIFInfo could be made to rename camera images automatically, using the camera date stored in the EXIF information in camera JPEGs. I've created a couple of format files to show how which are here. Renaming images with date/time stamps has a number of advantages, especially when mixing images of the same event from different cameras. !Stan104 uses files renamed with EXIFInfo 'Stan's format' to create the day01aa.jpeg names for each day of a travelogue.
Photo galleries
I now use Webgen2 a nice little app which generates thumbnailed picture galleries with navigation buttons.
I also used J-Album on the Mac and EeePC for galleries including the galleries I use for reference when writing a travelogue. J-Album produces quite nice looking pages, which degrade well, despite the code generated being rather opaque and riddled with Javascript.
I've hacked around the code produced by J-Album to provide template webpages for displaying videos on my website which I will put up when I get round to it (see here for an example this will open up a new window).
Image Manipulation
Jcut is useful as a quick rendering viewer and for rotating the jpegs on the gallery pages.
Images were resized and tweaked using 'The Software Formerly Known as Imagemaster' AKA DPlngScan and FSI_batch.
I have started using J-Album on a Macbook for resizing images because of performance issues with the Iyonix. The 2008 tour produced over 3000 images which even using an Intel Macbook took several hours to resize. It would have taken the best part of a day using the Iyonix.
Joined images are created using and touched up using Photodesk.
I occasionally use the software supplied with the Canon scanner called PhotoStudio on the macs for altering files. It is a surprisingly competent program and benefits from the processing power of the macs.
The site is uploaded to our webspace using !FTPc a versatile FTP client.
!FTPc is also essential for transferring files to and from the NAS unit.It is an order of magnitude faster than using the SMB protocol on the Iyonix and also significantly more reliable.
The small print. Unless stated otherwise © 2003 to 2011 Stan Williams and D J Jongkind. If you wish to use our images or words, please check with us first before doing so.