I picked our first tomato two days ago. We never had ripe tomatoes this early in Hallingdal and here are plenty more to come. We also have potato plants, some carrots, onions, kale and pumpkins that have survived the hot and dry summer.
Despite having an irrigation system none of our beans and peas have survived though so we have to upgrade the hose pipes to the “paddock” before next growing season
I ate the tomato today and it was delicious!
That’s not a sunflower Oh no it’s a tomato.
Fantastic… Thank you for the history of your move! I was there in November last and February this year…Seems long time ago… with all the heat of Summer 2018, in more countries, we live in, than one… summer everywhere… I am sure it is hot in Spain where Marisa is…
And what a joy you have had your first tomato! And more coming! And other veggies… the work of your hands! I am so happy for you all! You put your heart in what you do!
I watch from afar when I am not there! Lots of love, mama/Dubravka/bakica