First family outing with the pulk

Yesterday was our first family outing with the pulk. We were out of the house before nine and headed up to our favourite spot on Golsfjellet.

We were rewarded with a wonderful sunrise, bright oranges and reds in the east…

Sunrise with vivid colours on Golsfjellet

Sunrise on Golsfjellet

…and gentle pinks in the West.

Delicate pink shaded clouds sunrise over Golsfjellet

Sunrise over Golsfjellet

Damae took charge of the pulk which was nice of her. This was my first proper exercise in a couple of weeks so I needed to take things easy.

Damae pulling a pulk on Golsfjellet

Damae pulling Odd Egill in the pulk.

We threaded our way along the ski tracks towards “The Pole”. This is a signpost that stands at a junction of five prepared ski routes a couple of kilometres from Kvanhøgd turistsenter.

Damae pulling the pulk through a small wood.

Short of snow but plenty of sunshine.

The snow was actually ice and very slippery. It was a couple degrees above freezing when we left the car and warmed up for the the outward leg of our journey.

Damae heading towards Kamben on Golsfjellet

Sunshine and slippery ice.

We reached the pole as the sun started disappearing behind thin clouds. The breeze strengthened slightly making it feel colder than it actually was. We decided that it wasn’t a day to be sitting around drinking tea so we turned around and headed back to the car.

Damae heading back towards Kvanhøgd turistsenter

With the sun blocked by clouds the temperature started to drop.

Once back at Kvanhøgd we got the little man out of the pulk and into the Syncro and packed away our skis. We ate a bit of lunch and drank some tea before heading back down the hill to Gol.

We had a lovely tour despite the poor condition of the ski tracks. It was just fantastic to be sliding along on our skis again whilst taking in the views on Golsfjellet. We’d basically missed the previous skiing season entirely: by the time Odd Egill was old enough to go out in a pulk the snow had gone and our cycling season had started.

Odd Egill seemed to enjoy himself in the pulk in much the same way he likes being in his bike trailer. Which is good news!

More snow is forecast in the next few days. Fingers crossed, we might yet get few more family outings with the pulk before the cycling season starts in earnest.

1 thought on “First family outing with the pulk

  1. Now this is wonderful! I can imagine how lovely it is to slide through the snow on the skis! And the views are stunning… open space, mountains in the distance, snow… warms the cockles of your heart! Well done all three of you!
    Lots of love, Me, xxx

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