The disappointingly autumnal weather has melted most of the snow but left patches of sheet ice. On Monday evening both Damae and I both found our own patches of ice and took a tumble. In my case landing heavily on my right shoulder bruising my right hip. The following day the doc said that she was pretty sure nothing was broken and gave me permission to eat lots of paracetamol and ibuprofen.
The upside of the warm weather is some amazing clouds and light. To enjoy the views you need take your eyes away from the task of trying to find patches of ice on the ground for just a moment. Ideally you need to stop and stand still, rotating on a secure patch of ground. If you do this, you will be treated to a feast of misty and atmospheric views.
Yes the “drittvær” is generally not much fun at this time of year. But, as the famous Dutch ex-international footballer Johan Cruijff once pointed out, “Elk nadeel heb z’n voordeel.”
Well, I have lost it and cannot find it, so I will say it again, the blue sky is stunning… Thank you… i do not understand what you said as I speak no Dutch or Norwegian :o(, Me, xx
Beautiful, yes. But as with Mama, too early in the morning to take responsibility for translating. Please translate! :-) xxx