Stop press shocker! Tofu found in Gol

We had our suspicions that there must be some tofu for sale somewhere in Gol. Well today we found it after taking a trip to the small ‘innvandringersjappe’ next to the Pizza restaurant near to the Rema1000. The shop is apparently run by some Irakis and we had a quick nosey round today. Not only do they have big bags of PG Tips tea, large pots of pickles and olives and Helva, they also do packs of Mori-Nu Silken Tofu for ‘rimelig’ price (a shade under NOK 28).

This is a very soft type of tofu (despite it saying FIRM on the packet) more melt-in-your-mouth than chew, not our favourite type, probably best suited in dessert recipes. Still, I made a nice sweet and sour stir fry with it tonight and on the plus side, it is available in a shop ten minutes walk away from here.